Michelle Hu

Designer Bio

Michelle Hu is a student designer from MuBrandng Academy and is in 9th grade for the 2021-2022 school year. She has been at MuBranding Academy for around 1-2 years. During these years, she started from knowing nothing about designing to creating her own designs like many other students. In her free time, she enjoys journaling, designing, playing the violin, and taking photos. (The photo on the right is taken by her)

Mindfulness Cards

Presented below are the designs of mindfulness cards. These cards are meant to help people be aware and mindful of situations or their environment. Some suggestions include staying calm, breathing, sleeping, and to pause. Created Winter of 2022.

2022 Spring Collection

Rotting Humankind

These designs were made as independent work. Each project represents the theme of rotten humankind.

H (hate)

The inspiration for the piece 'h' is from the fact it sounds like the word hate. Therefore it sadly represents the immense amount of hate humans may harbor towards others. The style is inspired by swiss typography.


With the number of humans on Earth, pollution is an unavoidable problem. Yet despite many warnings, some still choose to ignore the problem.


All humans are stubborn, even when proven wrong, many are reluctant to admit to their wrongs. It's just another bad quality of mankind.


This piece reflects the blindness of humankind. Many times we may choose to stay blind or turn a blind eye to immoral actions. Sometimes we may be blind to others' feelings.

The Manipulator

Behind every pair of eyes hides a master manipulator. They toy with your thoughts and feelings.

Fake Masks

We all wear masks that hide our true selves and show a fake side of us.


Society pressures us to be like others and constantly compares things that should not be compared.

2022 Winter/Spring Collection

2021 Fall/Winter Collection


These designs were made in the fall/winter of 2021.

Logo Redesign project

A logo redesign of Spotify. Most logos inspired by music symbols. Spotify: With its signature green and black colors, Spotify, an online music listening platform established in 2008, is targeted towards users under the age of 34. Its mission consists of unlocking the potential of human creativity by giving creative artists the opportunity to live off their art and for fans the opportunity to enjoy and be inspired by it.

Winter postcard

With the sight of first snow in December 2021, we made a postcard using the pictures of snow.

2021 Fall Collection


These designs were made in the fall of 2021. Most designs focused on color theory and perspective

Room perspective and color theory project

Before After

2021 Summer Logo Design


These designs were made in the summer of 2021. They focused on logo redesign principles including morse shade, highlights, gradient breaks, quarters, etc. Some redesigned logos include Coca-Cola, Aflac, and GUESS.

Other logos

Coca Cola redesigns

GUESS redesigns

2021 Spring Collection


These designs were made in spring 2021. Some design concepts include typography and digital brushes.

2020 Winter Collection


These designs were made towards the end of 2020 during my second year of graphic design. Some works were inspired by my younger sister and include her in the projects. Others were done in class to better understand concepts.

This piece was created near the end of 2020 (below). It was inspired by three of David Carson's works. It was created as a reflection of 2020, a quite messy and unorganized year.

OP Art Progression


The 24 designs below are a collection of works based on COVID-19, the pandemic that started since the beginning of 2020. Ever since the pandemic was announced and came towards the US, citizens feel uneasy and aren't sure what to do. With that in mind, the designs below were meant to inform people and make them feel better about what was here. The designs of all the works were made mainly by focusing on typography and using words instead of focusing on other graphics. All designs were also placed on a mockup to present the designs effectively.

40 Day Creative Bootcamp

2020 Spring Collection


Works made during the spring and early 2020.

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